The Secrets Of Nostradamus

The Secrets Of Nostradamus
Par:David Ovason
Publié le 2012-02-14 par Harper Collins

His name has become a synonym for clairvoyance: Nostradamus, astrologer to the king of France, the most famous seer in Western history. But the real meaning of his prophecies has gone undetected, hidden in a secret alchemical code. Known as the Green Language, it was understood by only a handful of medieval occult scholars, and has been lost for centuries—until now. David Ovason spent 40 years working on the Green Language, enabling him to finally crack the secret code of Nostradamus. In this book, he reveals with line-by-line analysis the hidden writings of the great astrologer, showing that his dates and details are more exact than any previous scholars have realized. As a master of the arcane astrological traditions practiced by Nostradamus, Ovason provides the most accurate and insightful account ever written of this mysterious figure's writings, predictions, and life.

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The Secrets Of Nostradamus

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