NRSV Go-Anywhere Compact Thinline Bible with the Apocrypha (Bonded Leather, Navy
NRSV Go-Anywhere Compact Thinline Bible with the Apocrypha (Bonded Leather, Navy
Par:Harper Bibles
Publié le 2009-09-01 par HarperOne
The NRSV Go-Anywhere Compact Thinline Bible is the most portable edition of the NRSV available today. At less than an inch thick, this compact edition combines the portability you′d expect in a compact Bible with the readability of a larger Bible. Perfect for personal use or for gift giving. The New Revised Standard Version is the most trusted, most accepted, and most accurate translation of the Bible on the market. It is recognized in scholarly circles as the most accurate translation into English of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. In the tradition of its predecessors, the King James Version and the Revised Standard Version, the NRSV was designed to be the |standard| version for English-speaking people across all denominations. None of the new, more sectarian translations have approached its standards of elegance and accuracy. Features include: - Apocryphal and Deuterocanonical Books of Scripture - Bonded leather - Craft-sewn binding for added strength and long life - Fine Bible paper to maximize readability and portability - Easy-to-read typeface in a double-column setting - Thinline - less than 1 inch thick - makes it easy to take with you wherever you go - Gilded edges and a ribbon marker - Presentation page for gift-giving
Ce livre a été classé à 29 par Google Books for mot-clé harpercollins study bible student edition fully revised updated.
ID de livre de NRSV Go-Anywhere Compact Thinline Bible with the Apocrypha (Bonded Leather, Navy's Les livres sont -hqdngEACAAJ, Livre écrit parHarper Biblesavec ETAG "csP5laWusLY"
Livre publié par HarperOne depuis 2009-09-01 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9780061827211 et ISBN 10 Code est 0061827215
Le mode lecture dans l’état du texte est false et le mode lecture dans l’état de l’image false
Livre qui ont "1248 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieBibles
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