Goodnight, Manger

Goodnight, Manger
Par:Laura Sassi
Publié le 2015-10-06 par Zonderkidz

Goodnight, Manger, written by Laura Sassi and illustrated by New York Times bestselling artist Jane Chapman, tells the story of Mary and Joseph as they try to lull Jesus to sleep in the noisy stable after his birth. It's bedtime for Baby Jesus, but who knew a manger could be so loud? Mama, Papa, and all of the animals try to lull the baby to sleep, but between itchy hay, angels' joyful hosanas, and three kings bearing noisy gifts, it's just too loud. Until Mama finds a way for everyone to work together to shepherd Baby into peaceful dreams under the twinkling stars. With sweet, rhyming text in the style of Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site, Goodnight, Manger offers a unique twist on the classic manger tale, deftly weaving together the comforting and familiar routines of bedtime with the special magic and wonder of the manger story.

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ID de livre de Goodnight, Manger's Les livres sont XQ53CgAAQBAJ, Livre écrit parLaura Sassiavec ETAG "ee4f5wcECGk"

Livre publié par Zonderkidz depuis 2015-10-06 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9780310746126 et ISBN 10 Code est 0310746124

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Livre qui ont "32 Pages" est Imprimée à BOOK dans la catégorieJuvenile Fiction

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Goodnight, Manger

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