Bart Simpson Class Clown

Bart Simpson Class Clown
Par:Matt Groening
Publié le 2010-05-18 par Harper Design

Bart Simpson may be best known as an underachiever at school, but there is no title that this juvenile jokester holds more dearly than that of Class Clown. Springfield Elementary School is his domain, and it is there that the Prince of Pranks rules supreme in the classroom, on the playground, and in after school detention. Join the fun as Bart resurrects the car-crunching, fire-breathing behemoth known as Truckasaurus; foils the evil plans of Dr. Colossus; deciphers an ancient riddle; pals around with a new kid from way out of town; and gets expelled from school. Watch Bart go to the head of the class and take his place at the top of the dishonor roll!

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ID de livre de Bart Simpson Class Clown's Les livres sont iXQSQgAACAAJ, Livre écrit parMatt Groeningavec ETAG "icRNFdqvN8c"

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Bart Simpson Class Clown

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